Consider becoming part of the McHenry County Helping Hands organization. Helping Hands staff is entirely volunteer-based, from various churches in the County, and all contributions go directly to material resources for inmates.
Church Services
Both Spanish and English services are conducted in the blocks every Sunday. Bibles are provided. The service is interdenominational and all are welcome to attend.
English and Spanish speaking men and women from local churches provide one on one Christian counseling, prayer, and encouragement as well as answer questions regarding the Bible.
Ministerial Teaching / Visitation
Bible studies and counseling are held in the cell block.
How to Be a Dad
Dad’s class is conducted on a rotating schedule in both Spanish and English. The class covers “How to be a father” and is Christian based. The 6 week course consists of classroom sessions and homework. A certificate of accomplishment is award upon completion.
Angel Tree
Children’s names and their gift wishes on paper angels, hang on a Christmas Angel Tree in local churches. Congregation members buy and wrap the gift(s) and return them to the church. Gifts are distributed at a party or delivered.
Re-entry Passport
Pamphlet given to inmates that lists many resources available to help transition back into the community.
Bible Studies Correspondence
“Emmaus” is a self-guided bible study. Inmates complete homework and mail in after each lesson.
CR on the Inside
Celebrate Recovery is a Bible-based 12-Step program focused on recovery from addictions, self-destructive behaviors, hurts, habits, and hang-ups, with a 90% success rate. The program may be continued after release through over 14,000 supporting churches.
Alcoholics Anonymous
Fellowship of men and women who share their experience, strength, and hope with each other that they may solve their common problem and help others to recover from alcoholism.